The Topless Topics Community Question is an audience-participation project where every few weeks (well, months) I’ll put a question out there for the Topless Topics community to mull over then send in their own submissions in answer that I’ll then cobble together into one video, as well as link to their original content for those who want to see more (like clipping highlights out of longer video submissions). 

Submissions don’t have to be videos–could be art, written text posts for me to read aloud, whatever. We’ll figure it out as we go along! If you’d like more detailed guides for how to submit different types of content, check out the collaboration page:

Community Questions So Far:

Community Question- What is Nudism?

“Ask a Man” (more will be filled out later)

Social Media Campaigns:

If you’re interested in participating, please keep these guidelines in mind:

  •  If submitting video or audio, please keep your submission under three minutes long. Also, don’t be offended if I only cut out a very small section of your submission for the final video. Your full video will be linked to in the description of the final video for others to watch if they wish to. 🙂
  • If submitting a text post, please keep it under a few paragraphs. Unless you submit an audio reading with it, most likely I’ll show the text on screen while I (Cleo) read what it says aloud
  • If submitting video or a picture to go alongside an audio or written post, please consider recording it topless or nude as it relates to the project, to further the goal of normalizing nonsexual nudity
  • Also if you are uncomfortable or don’t feel safe including your identity in the submission, you can crop out your face, or send the file directly to me and ask me to blur out your face, and I would be happy to!
  • I shouldn’t even need to say this, but PLEASE DON’T SUBMIT ANYTHING FEATURING SEXUAL ACTS OR BEHAVIOR. That’s not what these projects or the Topless Topics community is about. (If you’re confused what our purpose is here, please check out our FAQ:

How to Submit Your Entry

  • You can upload your entry to the social media platform of your choice (keeping in mind that the vast majority of them will ban you for female nipples and/or genitals of any gender), then send me a link to your submission–either DM it to me on Twitter or Instagram, or email it to me; or
  • upload your file to a website that actually supports nonsexual nudity like Vimeo; or
  • send your file directly to me at

Again, if you need/want me to blur something out, just let me know when you send the file!

As we receive and compile community project videos, they will be embedded below!

Future Questions I might ask:

  • What shouldn’t you say to a topless woman?
  • Why do men send unsolicited dick pics?
  • what is the difference between nudity and sex?