Freeplay Fridays! Ep 1: “Still Alive” cover from Portal

Published on November 10, 2017

Yep, I’m screwing myself over by trying to start another “weekly” video type idea. At least this one is a little more freeform.

To watch the first Sexuality Sunday episode where I introduce what Sexuality Sundays are and answer some questions like how I lost my virginity, watch it here:

To suggest future videos, either about a certain topic or covering a certain song, etc., leave your suggestions in the comments! Or if you have your own related content you want to share, you can email me a synopsis at and I can try to find a way to work it in for you.

I’m slowly starting to make a topless topics website, the wordpress theme I’m starting with is vastly different than the other ones I’ve used so it’s taking me a bit to figure out, but I hope to make good progress in the next week or so. Then you all can just go to directly to watch new content, and not be reliant on vimeo deciding to show up in your search results! Won’t that be exciting!

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I don’t have time to reply to every message, but I do read all of them, and will reply to direct inquiries if I can!

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