ATTENTION! We’re having website issues currently that prevent me from being able to embed the livestream here, so you’ll have to watch me on Twitch directly:

If I’m currently livestreaming, the stream will show up here:



Want to Chat with Cleo and other Topless Topics Community Members during the stream?

I try to leave the respective chat window open (Twitch for gaming streams, Vimeo for anything involving nudity or female nipples) but sometimes it gets hidden by other windows I have open. And either way, the chatroom becomes unavailable once the stream ends.

So! It’s much better for you to hang out in our Discord server, which is full of friendly people at all times, and is broken up into rooms by specific interest (nudism, gaming, etc), or you can always just shoot the breeze in our general rooms too! We’re all very friendly and happy to talk, we don’t bite 🙂 (Although if you do come in and immediately start insulting/berating/sexualizing anyone, you will be banned, so…don’t?)

It’s easy and free to sign up, you can even use fake info if you want. We’re just doing it this way because Discord requires you to register to use their servers, and because it helps us cut down on spambots and trolls. Hope to see you there!

Chat with Cleo & others by joining our Discord chat server: click here!

Missed the Livestream?

Recorded versions of each stream are available on the Topless Topics Vimeo account:

Are you a Topless Topics supporter? Want to help me pay for things like truly topless livestreaming, better recording equipment and more? Then please check out the DONATE page for several routes you can send support, including purchasing digital prints and (someday) other products through the STORE. Thank you so much in advance! 

Past Livestreams

Unfortunately as previously mentioned, I’ve had to constantly remake accounts every time a new one gets banned as “adult/sexual content” purely for having nonsexual female nipples visible in them, so past streams are spread all over the place, and most are no longer available anyway.

In April 2019, I upgraded to Vimeo Premium, which is the only place I’ve ever found that allows nonsexual female nipples (and indeed, nonsexual nudity in general). However, only their highest, most expensive tier allows livestreaming, as well as various other perks (most of which I have no use for). I’m set to renew in April of 2020 for $1000, but unless I can establish a lot more regular viewership, then it’s not worth the expense and I’ll be downgrading back to Vimeo Plus (which also means having to delete pretty much all my livestream recordings). If you are interested in helping me continue to livestream, then please donate, a variety of methods are described here:

You can view past livestreams on my Vimeo account here: