Newsletter Feedback Form

Published on May 25, 2019

Hey there, I wanted to try out some polls to get some feedback for the Topless Topics newsletters I’ve been sending out for months now, which you can find out more about here:

As with everything, I’m still figuring this stuff out as I go, so I appreciate your patience while I learn how to do things like this! Your feedback is valued, thank you in advance!

If you're not already on the mailing list, or you want to make sure that you are, you can check this box! (Make sure you include your email on the next line or I can't add you, though!)
For instance, would you be okay with receiving updates every time I have a new video up, even if it ended up being daily?
I always re-post every outgoing newsletter as a website page and post the link to so if you think you missed a newsletter and/or you want to read the ones that went out before you signed up, you can find those links on the page!
The method depends on your particular email service, but adding and to your email whitelist gives me a much better chance at actually getting the newsletter into your inbox without being bounced automatically as "spam"!


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