REPOST: Pregnant & Pro-Choice

Published on June 7, 2019

Oh my gosh, another old video I forgot to make a website post for that was banned by Youtube for being “sexually explicit!” Guess I should have just insulted some lispy queers instead? 

Originally uploaded to Vimeo on 12/20/2015

Original video description:

So among other things, we got a new computer with Windows 10 on it and my old editing software doesn’t work on it so I’m trying to figure out Windows Movie Maker, which is waaay less robust. Oh well. Also, this video is quite ranty, so fair warning if you get upset easily (but really…any of my videos could be considered “incendiary” by someone of a certain delicate sensibility…) so uh, viewer discretion is advised if you can’t even discuss abortion rights without immediately spewing out death threats? Oh well. Carpe diem!

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