REPOST: Topless Topics Interviews Fetish/Fashion/etc Model, Amanda Kee!

Published on June 6, 2019

I realized belatedly as I was organizing this new “Extras” page for listing all the various videos and art projects I have floating around that I never made an official site post for this old interview I did via skype, so I’m posting it now!

Above is the “highlights” reel, and here is the full interview ( shot while I was still figuring out how to set up Skype so the quality is eh)

Original video description:

Horay, a video with another cohost, finally! This was my first time trying to record this setup, I’m going to see if I can find a different/better way to record future skype interviews at better quality, but still I think this is a good start!

Here are the various places where you can find Amanda’s wonderful modeling work:

Instagram: akee18
snapchat: chicken420salad

Stop by her pages and say hello! I promise she’s very nice.

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