Published on July 25, 2018
UPDATE: voting is now closed, and the top ten choices are now available for purchase in the store! Visit by clicking here:


Choose which Rooster Rock Nude Beach photos to add to to the Etsy store!

As you may have heard me mention before, each listing in the Etsy store costs money to post. I also don’t want to flood the store with digital print options that are very unlikely to sell. So, I put together this voting poll so that I can ask you, my extremely valued Topless Topics supporters, which of these images I should add to the store

(I’m also going to be retiring some of the older options soon, so if you haven’t checked out the store recently, now might be your last chance to purchase some of the old ones!)

Of course, if you’re worried that your favorite option(s) might not make it, or you’re simply in a hurry to purchase your favorite digital prints NOW, you can use the Donation page to donate $15 directly and include the Option ID in your donation (or email it to me) to get the print ASAP. Otherwise, thank you so much for helping me improve the store with your vote, and you can look for the new options to be added to the store by the end of next month!


So after some feedback from you guys, I tested out this page and I realized that if you’re not logged in (i.e. to post to the Topless Topics Community Forum) then the voting poll I made using the Opinion Stage plugin mysteriously won’t show up. I’d have to have the paid version of the plugin to make any changes to the settings or code, and I don’t think it’s worth it just for this one poll. So I’ve set up this rudimentary contact form version of the above voting poll instead for those of you unable to see it.

If you are able to see the above voting poll, please disregard the contact form below.
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