Topless Topics Events: Portland Slutwalk 2018 !

Published on September 21, 2018

Topless Topics Events: Portland Slutwalk 2018 !

Whew, even though it’s been a tough few months with the kids getting sick and not having anyone available to babysit, the stars aligned a few weekends ago so I was able to head down to downtown Portland and cover some of the Slutwalk 2018, the very same event I covered last year which you can see the videos from HERE!

Alas by the time I got to the event, it was already quite crowded (about three times as many people as last year, by my rough approximation) and I didn’t want to be rude and shove my way to the front, so instead I mostly filmed “interviews” with some of the other protestors (and counter protestors) that were hanging around the peripheral crowd. Here are all the videos broken up by speaker and listed in chronological order below!

ALSO, I found out after the Slutwalk that there was a separate event going on called the “Sluttalk Show” at The Funhouse Lounge in Portland, and the performers there were kind enough to let me film them! You can watch all those videos in THIS POST! It was a great experience and I’m very hopeful that I can get my babysitting situation squared away so I can start covering more events and shows like this, maybe arrange more cohosted videos and interviews as well!


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