Tag: newsletter

Topless Topics Mailing List Edition #7

Originally sent out 18-8-2018 Wow, dudes, I’m so sorry this list is so late! Especially as there’s been such an influx of new content since Newsletter #6 went out! I …

Topless Topics Newsletter #6

Originally sent out 9/7/2018Man it’s been yet another intense couple of weeks of everyone in the family continually getting sick, me included -_- Is it the weather or are we …

Topless Topics Mailing List Edition #4

Emailed out 8/10/2018 Hello and welcome to the Topless Topics Mailing List/Newsletter #4! (I wish I’d been calling it the Newsletter all along as that’s a lot easier to type out, …

Topless Topics Mailing List Edition #3

Emailed out 7/29/2018Hey Toppers, welcome to Mailing List Edition #3. I’m afraid I still don’t have much to report this week, namely because the weather has been bouncing around the …