Topless Topics Mailing List Edition #8

Published on October 21, 2018

Originally sent out 10/21/2018

Wow, look at me, getting the next newsletter out within two weeks of the last one for once! That’s because there’s so much important stuff coming up, and I want to give you all as much time to prepare for it as you can!

Biggest thing, of course, are the United States Midterm Elections, which are just around the corner this Nov 6 (except for those of us lucky enough to live in states with early voting!). And hey, my 33rd birthday is on Nov 18, so what an awesome present that blue wave would be! Look, if you’re still determined to vote republican at this point, there’s nothing I can do or say to dissuade you. But just in case you’re undecided, or do want to vote but aren’t sure how to go about it, there are many great online and in-person resources available to help you with whatever you need.
I’ve started adding resources to a list on the website:
On the above page, you’ll also find a new video I recorded this week, showing a live demo of me using the website for the first time to check my registration status, and research the candidates and measures on a sample ballot specific to my voting precinct. You, too, can easily use to register, research, and fill out a sample ballot–so even if you skip my video, please check it out!
And while I was recording and editing the above video, I was inspired to try starting a new hashtag movement to help us #GetOutTheVote:
You can read this twitter thread to find out more/see more examples of #TitsOut4Democracy (including my mom and dad participating!) but the basic premise is this:
  • “Take a picture of yourself topless while holding a sign with some reasons for #WhyYouVote, then tag it with #TitsOut4Democracy. Because the upcoming #Midterms are that damn important, and more eyeballs means more votes.”
Any gender/body type/etc is invited and encouraged to participate, and you can always cover whatever you need to in order to feel comfortable (use the #WhyIVote sign to block your face, for instance). And be sure to add #TitsOut4Democracy so I can find it! Then I can add it to this Twitter Moment I started making, as well as add it to the #TitsOut4Democracy page (if you want to participate but don’t want your picture added to the moment/page, just let me know in the caption!). I know the relation between Topless Equality and voting in the midterms seems pretty strange, but it’s really not if you think about it! After all, if it wasn’t for civil disobedience and fighting for equal rights in democracy, we wouldn’t have even the minimal equality we have now, and if corrupt misogynists maintain control of Congress as they have been, we’ll be losing even those minimal rights! So please, if you care about equality in ANY sense (not just for topless rights among genders, but rights for anyone who isn’t a rich, white, allegedly Christian cis male!) then you need to say so with your VOTES! (And if you can, go the extra mile by volunteering–spread the word about candidates you support, phone bank, drive other voters to the polls–I will be adding more information about this to, but for now, here’s a link to get you started:
New Videos
I don’t have too many new videos to share, just these ones so far:
Halloween/October is my absolutely favorite month/holiday of the year, so I am hoping to get more content out soon! Of course I have the Portland Erotic Ball/Club Privata Haunting on Privata Street parties that my husband and I are going to be attending, so look forward to whatever I can get filmed while I’m there! (Don’t hold your breath on my husband helping me hold the camera though, so we’ll see -_-) Maybe this time next year I can do something like my “31 Days of Horror Games” that I did on my old gaming channel years ago, before I had a family to spend so much time taking care of x.x 
Upcoming Livestreams
Until either my parents’ health improves or I can afford to hire a babysitter, my ability to set up livestreams etc. remains uncertain. However, I’m gonna take a shot at livestreaming this Tuesday:
  • Tuesday, Oct 23 @ 3-5 PST (possibly longer)
    • Hang out with me while I draw designs for possible Topless Topics branded T-shirts, work on the Life of a Topfree Activist webcomic, maybe play some video games–check it out and we’ll see how it goes!
I want to start livestreaming more regularly anyway as a way to connect with all of you, as well as a way to encourage me to spend more time on my arts and crafts, play some video games, etc. So here’s hoping my mom finally gets her new type of cancer treatment and it provides miracles as it has been in Europe, or that I’m able to get enough graphic design/illustration freelance work that I can afford to hire a babysitter–fingers crossed, we’ll work something out in the near future! Until then, I hope you can join me this Tuesday!
New Social Media Accounts to Follow
As part of that partial rebranding idea I mentioned in the last newsletter (which you can read here: ), wherein I made a brand-new Youtube channel to host censored-only versions of all my videos (which they’re still “age restricting” even with all hint of female nipple censored out e.e Oh, Youtube), I’ve made a new Twitter account that will only be used to tweet out links and info directly pertaining to Topless Topics:
Of course you’re welcome to keep following the old @ToplessTopics twitter account, which I use regularly, both to post about the show as well as retweet/reply to other content I find interesting/funny/useful/etc (mostly political). But  for years now Twitter has been censoring absolutely everything I post as “sensitive content,” and you can’t even find that account unless you have all your automatically-set-on “sensitive content” filters turned off and you look directly for it, and unless I suddenly go viral one of these days and have hundreds of thousands of people badger @Twitter on my behalf to get my account un-“adult content”-marked, I’m never gonna be able to escape that (seriously, there isn’t even the pretense of an appeals process, like Youtube pretends to have). So hopefully this new account, which will also only post female-nipples-censored-out content, can remain un-adult content-marked so that newbies can actually find our content.
And in case you missed it, here’s the new Youtube account to follow for censored-only Topless Topics content (for the uncensored versions, still follow Topless Topics on Vimeo and/or keep checking for a new post for each new video)
(Only after we get past 100 subcribers and the account is more than 30 days old can I apply for a custom URL, so let’s hope we make it there!)
New Content Roundup/Recap
 For you busy beavers without time/patience for rambling to read all the above, here are quick links to everything I just mentioned:
That’s about it for now! Hope to see you at the Tuesday livestream, and that you all have a fun and safe Halloween in case I don’t get the next newsletter out before then!

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